Release notes – Tagalot Cards
Tagalot Cards version 1.4
(Released 17 May 2017)
Export a Tagalot Card as a social media-friendly gif video.
Change colour of card and card background.
Wash text messages and colour settings retained between app starts.
Fixed bugs in code table view and card import.
The animate card options now include a video format. This generates the gif image and converts it to a mp4 video file. Some social media sites do not accept gifs but most accept a video format. Gif images take approximately 60 seconds to generate for a maximum 80 character message when the share option is selected in the card image view. Subsequent shares from the same view do not have to regenerate the GIF image or video.
The background colour of the card image can now be selected from a colour picker. The background colour shows around the card and in any punch holes. There are also 6 options for the preset card image for different colours options. Existing options to add an image to a card, or to export a custom image in place of a card image, are available.
The large and small wash or overprinted text is retained between restarts of the app, as are the colour settings.
Bugs fixed:
– Code Table view, required key sequence was not being highlighted.
– Card Image view, valid imported cards were being incorrectly rejected with a format error.
– Punch key view, after a delete action the button displayed the wrong character position.